

The latest news from The Business School UK

December 2021

The following article contains some useful information about pursuing a career in logistics and supply chain. As it’s a US article doesn’t list the UK based qualifications such as those provided by CILT.
Pursuing a Career in Logistics and Supply Chain

April 2020

We are offering access to our learning materials for our CILT (UK) Logistics and Transport and IWFM Facilities Management courses via our online learning environment. Those who subsequently wish to enrol and achieve the qualification can do so following submission of the relevant assessments and receipt of payment.  If you are interested please email to express an interest – include academic qualifications and brief information on work background details to help ensure access to the appropriate course and level.  This access is no longer available.

October 2019

CILT(UK) no longer include complimentary Learner Affiliate membership with registrations. Information on CILT(UK) Memebership is found HERE.

September 2019

We now deliver ELC approved courses. More information on this HERE.

January 2017

We are featured on the Pathfinder website with regard to our Military based courses. To read more head over to the Pathfinder Website HERE.

We also provide a wide range of competitively priced and dedicated courses for public personnel. More information about these can be found here on our website under PROGRAMMES.


We have a number of CILT courses available to the public. The way in which the courses are studied depends on which optional units are selected. Either full via our Virtual Learning Environment or via a combination of online and paper based learning depending on which optional units are selected. To see the courses currently available click HERE.

More of our news can be found on our blog. Click HERE.


The latest news from CILT(UK)

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