Special Achievement – Nirmal

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Special Achievement – Nirmal Kalirai

We are always happy to celebrate with our successful learners, and especially so for those who have overcome obstacles or challenges and had a really positive outcome.  We hope that you will enjoy sharing some of the thoughts of these successful learners and take inspiration from their stories and ways in which their learning has made a difference to their lives.

Nirmal Kalirai completed with us the IWFM Level 4 Certificate in Facilities Management moving on to complete the IWFM Level 4 Diploma in Facilities Management.

1. What is your view of the importance of learning in your career?

Adding further learning to my work experience has supported me in understanding methodologies of which I was not aware before and their application in the wide world of facilities management.

2. Why did you choose to do an actual qualification as opposed to a course?

The qualification was one which would be recognised by potential employers, it widens my knowledge, giving me the opportunity to choose units which were most interesting and relevant to me.

3. What were the challenges of undertaking this particular course – for example, learning online, managing your time, maintaining motivation?

This course was completed on-line, I was most fortunate to be able to focus 100% of my time towards this qualification, which in turn greatly assisted me in finding employment.

4. How did you overcome those challenges?

The motivation was the greatest challenge, this was overcome by the support given by both the Business School, IWFM and the brilliant resources, to which I still refer to today!

5. What gives you your greatest feeling of satisfaction in completing this course or these courses?

The greatest satisfaction is knowing that undertaking this course/qualification has stretched me beyond what I learned on previous jobs, it allowed me to develop my skill/knowledge and competency. It makes me more curious and consider different approaches/strategies to my work and supporting the service I now work for.

6. Have you any advice for those considering taking an online qualification through The Business School?

I would say: Go for it! Don’t limit yourself in assuming that a job role will teach you everything, further study is a great bolt onto your workplace experience. TBS were fantastic in supporting my goals.

7. Have you applied what you have learnt within the course into your working environment? If so, what and how?

The management and leadership module has helped me greatly in thinking of ways in which to motivate and value my team. With every new task I am given, I refer to my study, resources and consider processes which may have been missed or look to new strategies which could be considered. As facilities management is growing and changing – it is important to be aware of developing technologies and ways of working and meeting the needs to support the planet and people.

8. What are your plans now?

I am looking forward to using what I have learned towards supporting the building portfolio of the service I work for and building stronger more collaborative relationships to meet service success and sustainability.

9. Have you anything else you would like to add?

Regardless of how much I thought I knew after 20+ years in facilities, whilst studying I still came across information that I was not aware of. There are so many valuable and interesting subjects within facilities management, why would anyone want to miss out on developing themselves and feeling proud of their achievements through further study.

Find out more about our courses and our way of working, or visit our VLE.
